• Mini-gamelan
  • Mini-gamelan
  • Mini-gamelan
  • Mini-gamelan
  • Mini-gamelan


Elsje Plantema developed the idea and designed the instruments for a Miniature Gamelan, that can be played in a normal class room, and is easily transportable. Most of the instruments look like a (shoe) box, with the keys and mallet inside. They can be unpacked and played on the children’s school desks. Suhirdjan made practical adjustments to Elsje’s designs and created a compact set that resonates clearly. A kendhang ketipung is included in the ensemble, but the large kendhang ageng is replaced by a single-headed rebana. In some projects, after studying in school on the gamelan mini, the kids would get the opportunity to play the “real” gamelan: a compact but complete normal sized set, also made by mas Hirdjan (with box style balungan instruments, normal shaped kempul and kenong, gong suwukan, gender, gambang, etc.).

Currently, two sets are stored at Het Gamelanhuis, Veemkade 578, Amsterdam, and three sets are at Conservatorium van Amsterdam.

Elsje Plantema