Sinta Wullur founded Multifoon Foundation in 1993 to stimulate the interaction between non-Western music and contemporary music. She commissioned a 12-tone chromatically tuned gamelan. The slenthem, demung, saron, and peking…
Pak Suhirdjan made the pelog section, 'Kaduk Raras', of the Montebello Gamelan. This complete Javanese gamelan has the unique characteristic--outside of Java--of being housed in its own open-walled pendopo. But…
Suhirdjan built the instruments for the HMC American Gamelan, currently in use in Claremont, California. It is a set of iron and brass instruments tuned to my own versions of…
I have no experience with gamelan as I am strictly a Western-style percussionist. However, I commissioned this unique instrument in order to perform Claude Vivier's percussion solo Cinq Chansons pour…