19 Gongs

19 Gongs

This set of 19 gongs, ranging from F# to c”, was commissioned by a Dutch percussionist. The gongs were made from iron sheet metal with a brass cap on the…
Yogya Kids Playgroup and Kindergarten

Yogya Kids Playgroup and Kindergarten

In 2002, Yogya Kids Playgroup and Kindergarten in Yogyakarta purchased a mini-gamelan. The students enjoyed learning simple pieces. When the school closed, the gamelan was purchased by Oliphant Playgroup Kindergarten…
Gamelan Pacifica

Gamelan Pacifica

In 1987, Gamelan Pacifica director, Jarrad Powell, commissioned the building of a new gamelan in Java to expand the instrumentation of their ensemble. The new gamelan was a full slendro/pelog…
Toronto District School Board

Toronto District School Board

Though I didn’t know him very well personally, I will never forget Suhirdjan’s innovative spirit. He was of immeasurable help guiding me through my first gamelan ordering experience in 2000-2001.…
Giovanni Sciarrino

Giovanni Sciarrino

Pak Suhirdjan made the pelog section, 'Kaduk Raras', of the Montebello Gamelan. This complete Javanese gamelan has the unique characteristic--outside of Java--of being housed in its own open-walled pendopo. But…
Harvey Mudd College

Harvey Mudd College

Suhirdjan built the instruments for the HMC American Gamelan, currently in use in Claremont, California. It is a set of iron and brass instruments tuned to my own versions of…
Arizona State University

Arizona State University

I teach "Children of the Mud Volcano," a Central Javanese gamelan ensemble class at Arizona State University. We play traditional repertoire, but often with somewhat eclectic and neoIndonesian techniques appended…